Friday, September 18, 2009

Staples and Lace

It's 1:30 am and I'm still awake. I know I shouldn't be, but I've been having too much fun with the staple gun! I've been trying to find innovative ways to use common materials and I hope I am coming up with unique ideas. I just hate it when I think I've got a new angle on something only to find out it's already been done! I'm learning a lot about what works and what doesn't. I'm also making a lot of noise! The work I am doing lately seems to involve more tools than paint. Starting with the scroll saw, followed by the palm sander, then some paint, then a few staples and nails and voila! I've been pulling late nights all week trying to prepare for the Big Bazaar on Saturday. I'm sure the boys aren't too happy about all the racket, but they haven't said anything (yet). 'El Hueso' (Mr. BoneWerx) has been very polite and supportive, but I know he's feeling like an art widower. I wish I could say it will let up when this show is over, but it won't! I will be showing my Calaveras at Fantasma -an Altar Shop on Alberta (& NE 23rd) throughout the entire month of October! It's good to be busy! I'm feeling the burn but I'm loving every minute of it, since this is what I signed up to do! Viva la BoneWerx!


  1. Wishing you mucho success at this weekend sale...

  2. How exciting! I'll have to come check out your show on Alberta.
