Thursday, October 16, 2014

Vibrate in Harmony

"Vibrate in Harmony"

1 Parrot brand harmonica + 1 Star brand harmonica
"GoodLife" beer can
burned bottle caps
upholstery remnant on wood

A commission for an old friend who asked me to
"just make him something"

"Use whatever excuse you can 
to vibrate in harmony
with those things you've been saying you want.
And when you do, those things
that are a vibrational equivalent
flow into your experience in abundance.
Not because you deserve it,
not because you've earned it,
but because it's the natural consequence
of the Law of Attraction.
That which is like unto itself is drawn."

Thursday, October 2, 2014


26 Artists
picked titles at random from a hat
and created 52 visual art pieces
based on those titles.

I drew
"Consulting the moon" 
"Holy Box"

"Artists often title their work once it's completed.
How does a title affect a piece of art if that title is the inspiration?
By giving artists titles not of their own creation, it offers an intriguing challenge
to create work that's both their own but also has a connection to the title." 
-Roxanne Patruznick, Creator of Entitled: A Group Show

All original art is priced at $50 each. Arrive early, the art in this show is amazing.

Opening First Thursday, October 2nd 5 to 9pm.

Glyph Cafe 804 NW Couch

There will be a companion reading on October 9th.
7 writers wrote original work inspired by the images of the artists in this show.