Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Coming Out (of the Box)

16 x 20 wood on wood on wood

" I like to think outside the box, but when I'm done thinking. . .
I get back in the box. " -Stephen Colbert

This is the largest of 6 pieces I recently completed for the Out of the Box II Show at People's Gallery. This is the most art I have worked on at the same time in a long time. It is good prep for my upcoming BEER Show with Chris H. at Amnesia Brewing in July. I just wish I could figure out a way to make art and still have a little time left over for sleep! I guess I just can't have it all!

From what I've seen posted so far, this is going to be a juicy show for those who admire mixed-media assemblage art. It's obviously one of my 'happy places'.

Show opens this Saturday!

30 + Portland Artists create 3-D work that extends past the frame
Reception: Saturday, May 19th. 5-9pm. 
Show runs May 19th – June 9th  
Peoples Art of Portland : 700 SW Fifth (3rd floor) People's is Suite 4005

This kind of art is best viewed in the 3-dimensional glory of reality,
but if you can't make it downtown,
here is a virtual preview of the 5 8x8s I also made for the show. . . 






( Yep, I said the 'P~word' )

Ars longa, vita brevis  ~ Art is long, Life is short
See it, Make it, Love it, Live it. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Stand Strong

Stand Strong
(with dignity and grace)

...Let the winds lift your banners from far lands
     With a message of strife and of hope:
Raise the Maypole aloft with its garlands
     That gathers your cause in its scope....

...Stand fast, then, Oh Workers, your ground,
     Together pull, strong and united:
Link your hands like a chain the world round,
     If you will that your hopes be requited.

When the World's Workers, sisters and brothers,
      Shall build, in the new coming years,
A lair house of life—not for others,
      For the earth and its fulness is theirs.

Walter Crane, The Workers' Maypole, 1894

Celebrate the Rites of Spring and the Rights of the World's Workers
at this May Day inspired show at Space Monkey: